NHL-i ajaloo esimene slovakialane draftivalik Rookie-kaardil NOORED RELVAD - JURAJ SLAFKOVSKÝ !!!
Plus the Young Guns of these players: DAVID JIŘÍČEK, PAVOL REGENDA, FILIP KRÁL, ADAM HÚSKA ja JAKUB LAUKO ! Ja teiste RC kaartide mängijad nagu: JAKUB GALVAS, ADAM RAŠKA, LUKÁŠ DOSTÁL - Kõik see teeb selle seeria erakordselt huvitavaks tooteks Tšehhi ja Slovakkia turul!
Only in the TIN version you will find exclusively O-PEE-CHEE Glossy cards!! Only rookies on them, for example Slafkovský, Wright, Kuzmenko… Look for parallel GOLD and COPPER versions!
Seeria 2 toob Upper Decki seeria komplekti veel 250 kaarti, st. jätkab seeriat 1. Nagu tavaliselt, 200 tavalist kaarti praeguste mängijate kohta ja 50 uut noort relva of rookies, incl. those who have already started since the beginning of the 22-23 season!
Samuti on mõned SISSELÜLITAMINE jätkab 1. seeria:
– Aunimetus : another 50 cards, this time containing only rookies.
– UD Canvas : veel 150 tk väga populaarseid Canvas kaarte - 90 tk praeguseid mängijaid ja 30 tk Young Guns Canvas uustulnukad (sealhulgas Juri Slafkovski ). In addition, 15 pcs of High Series Retired (players who have already ended their careers) and 15 Kõrge seeria tippkava.
– UD Portreed UD Rookies : collect another 40 cards (including 10 pcs of SP) in a new, cool design that follows on from Series 1!
Kuid 2022-23 Upper Deck Series 2 toob ka täiendavaid SISALDAGE KAARTID:
– Calderi kandidaadid : This brand new set focuses only on players who are being considered for the 2022-23 Calder Memorial Trophy . Look for the rare Kuld parallel card.
– Tervitused Iga kaart toob esile linna, kus asub NHL-meeskond. Lisaks Gold variant.
– Markerid : A colorful 25-card set focuses on players who were among the best in the 2021-22 season. ONLY IN RETAIL VERSIONS and BLASTER Purple version !!
– Lunch Box Legendid : The design of these cards takes us back to the products of the 70s of the last century. These 30 cards contain the best names from today in a retro design. Also here GOLD parallel.
And then the classic, which can only be found in Series 2 :
– Rookie Materials Retro : lisa veel ROOKIE JERSEY CARDS to your collections! And be careful – Retro only in RETAIL and BLASTER versions! Even including PATCH versions with a /15 limitation!!!
KESKKONNATULJAD: Juraj Slafkovský, Shane Wright, Wyatt Johnston, Dylan Guenther, Andrei Kuzmenko, David Jiříček, Lukáš Dostál, Adam Húska, Pavol Regenda, Jake Sanderson, Dylan Holloway, Kaiden Guhle, Arber Xhekaj, Brandt Clarke, Elmer Soderblom.
CZ + SK players in the series: Dan Vladař, Jakub Voráček, Filip Zadina, Adam Raška, Filip Chytil, Tomáš Hertl, David Kampf, Ondřej Palát, Karel Vejmelka, David Pastrňák, Martin Nečas, David Jiříček, Filip Král, Lukáš Dostál, Jakub Galvas, Jakub Lauko , Juraj Slafkovský, Adam Húska, Pavol Regenda, Tomáš Tatar, Erik Černák .